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The College for Living




Residential Education Program

The College for Living's general education plan includes:

  • ​An initial (as well as periodic) and quarterly assessments of student’s needs and goals.
  • ​Regular progress meetings with the College for Living Program Coordinator.
  • ​24/7 on-call support for urgent situations.
  • ​28 hours per week of direct (on-site) support from Life Skills Mentors.
  • ​One class per day Monday-Friday focused on developing independent life skills.
  • ​A network of peers and social/recreational opportunities.
  • ​Individualized transition plan upon completion of the program.

Monthly Tuition: $1,365+

Click here for price comparison and breakdown

On-campus Housing 

​Students must qualify for HUD (Housing and Urban Development) housing. HUD-subsidized units: 

  • ​Must qualify for very low-income status.​​ 
  • Tenant pays 30% of income (earned and unearned income) regardless of fair market rent amount. 



Commuter Education Program

Students who do not live on campus but wish to attend life skills classes may elect how many classes they would like each month according to the commuter plan they choose. Each class costs $50 and includes general supplies. Specialty classes, such as Kitchen Master's, may require an additional cost for supplies. Transportation to off-campus educational classes and activities is not provided.

The College for Living's commuter plans includes:

  • ​One class per day Monday-Friday focused on developing independent life skills.
  • ​An initial (as well as periodic) and quarterly assessments of student’s needs and goals.
  • Membership and access to campus amenities
  • Valuable instruction geared towards developing independence
  • An opportunity to create a community of peers and supports
  • ​Regular progress meetings with the College for Living Program Coordinator.

Monthly Tuition: Varies based on number of classes

View Eligibility Requirements Here


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